[ Island Boy album cover]

Ken Perlman Price List

Please note: All Prices are in U.S. dollars

For more information, visit Ken's Homepage.

Tapes and CD's

Ordering Instructions

Instruction Books

Ordering Instructions

Taped Instruction

Ordering Instructions

Prince Edward Island Materials

Ordering Instructions

Please Send orders to: Ken Perlman, Box 39, Arlington MA, 02174, USA.
For more information, visit Ken's Homepage.

Shipping Costs:
For tapes or CDs, add $2 (includes protective mailer). For books via surface, add $2. For books via air, add US: $3, Canada: $5. For videos (includes mailer) by surface, add US: $3, Canada: $4. By air, add US: $4, Canada: $5.

Postage Overseas (per item):
For tapes and CDs by surface, add $3 (includes mailer). By air, add Europe: $4, Asia/Australia: $5. For books by surface, add $3. By air, add Europe: $12, Asia/Australia: $16. For videos by surface, add $5 (inc. mailer). By air, add Europe: $10, Asia/Australia: $12.

Send email to Ken Perlman